Governmental Support 60/40 (AI Law Firm Newsletter)

Governmental Support 60/40 (AI Law Firm Newsletter)

On 30 March 2020 the Bulgarian Government adopted Decree No 55 regarding payment of compensations to keep the employees in the businesses affected by the State of Emergency, declared by the Bulgarian Parliament on 13 March 2020.

The amount of the compensation is 60% of the social security income for January 2020 for the respective employees.

The following categories of businesses (employers) may apply under the above measure:

1) Businesses of economic sectors, listed in the appendix to the Decree – these companies may file applications for compensation starting from 31 March 2020.

2) Businesses other than the businesses listed in the appendix to the Decree, which declare no less than 20% decrease of their income from sales during the relevant period – these companies may file applications for compensation starting from 1 April 2020.

The applications and all required documents thereto shall be filed within the period as from 31 March until 21 April 2020 in the competent Employment Office Directorate as per the place of work of the employees, to be covered by the compensation.

We are at your disposal for further details and support on the above if needed.

Further advice: CONTACT US